Course Descriptions from Tallinn to Kärdla | 17 Jul 24, piret.salmistu

For the third stage of the 67th Muhu Väina Regatta, yachts will navigate from Tallinn to Kärdla on July 17, 2024. Here are the detailed courses for different classes:

Pro Marine Trade Tallinn COASTAL RACE Opens the A. Le Coq 67th Muhu Väin Regatta Score | 16 Jul 24, piret.salmistu

July 15th, the A. Le Coq 67th Muhu Väin Regatta kicked off from Kalevi Yacht Club in Tallinn, featuring 101 yachts from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland. Over six stages from Tallinn to Kärdla and Haapsalu, the first warning signal was given at 11 AM, marking the start of the Pro Marine Trade Tallinn Round, covering 17 to 25 nautical miles, depending on the yacht class. Today's winners were FORTE, KATARIINA II, PILOILLERI III, VESILEENU, and BACCHUS.

A. Le Coq 67th Muhu Väin Regatta Begins Monday | 15 Jul 24, piret.salmistu

Over the past few days, technical and safety checks were conducted, and by Sunday evening, 101 yachts from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland had registered for the regatta. The fleet includes 16 yachts in the largest ORC I group, 23 in ORC II, 20 in ORC III, and 18 in ORC IV. Additionally, 16 Folkboats and 8 yachts in the cruising group will participate. The first race day, Monday, July 15th, features a shorter offshore stage – the Pro Marine Trade Tallinn Round.

A. Le Coq 67th MOONSUND Regatta 2024 Sets Sail in Tallinn! | 12 Jul 24, piret.salmistu

Summer in Estonia has reached its midpoint, and for sailors, this means only one thing – it's time for the traditional sailing festival, the Muhu Väin Regatta! Estonia’s biggest and oldest sailing regatta wouldn’t be the same without this event. This year’s A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta takes place from July 13th to July 20th, starting in Tallinn, heading to Kärdla in Hiiumaa, and finishing a week later in Haapsalu. 102 yachts with around 600 sailors, including participants from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Lithuania, are ready to set sail.

Take part of the sea parade with your friends and family! | 03 Jul 24, sigrid.kahar

On July 14th at 12 pm, the Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 sea parade will commence, where the ships of the international sailing training regatta will join the boats competing in the A. Le Coq 67th  Moonsund Regatta. This unique joint sea parade will offer a spectacular sight on Tallinn Bay that the city has never seen before!

A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta Opening Party at Kalev YC | 03 Jul 24, sigrid.kahar

The Kalev Yacht Club marina opens its doors all day on Saturday, July 13th, and welcomes everyone to a double opening party – celebrating the opening of Estonia's largest and oldest regatta, the A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta, and the new marina house of the Kalev Yacht Club!

Early bird entry fees! | 23 May 23, sigrid.kahar

Attention, sailors!

100 days until start | 30 Mar 23, sigrid.kahar

ear sailor - glory and fame await!!!! A week of adrenaline, sea and wind with the best companions at the Estonia's biggest and fiercest sailing competition A. Le Coq 66th Moonsund Regatta is just 100 days away!

Registration is open | 29 Jan 23, sigrid.kahar

Who will be the first team to sign up to the regatta this year????

The Notice of Race for the A. Le Coq 66th Moonsund Regatta (July 8-15, 2023) has been published and registration is open on Manage2Sail, link available on regatta website

The early bird fee is valid until May 31!!!!

The route of A. Le Coq 66th Moonsund Regatta is published | 22 Dec 22, sigrid.kahar

A. Le Coq 66th Moonsund Regatta will take place on July 8-15, 2023 and the route will be Pärnu-Kuressaare-Kõiguste-Kärdla!

ImPORTANT INFORMATION before regatta! | 04 Jul 22, triin.tallmeister

Check-list  is everything done?

1.    Enter the crew list online - the crew list in manage2sail must be completed before the skipper or the person in charge comes to Race Office on July 9 to register the boat to the regatta. Please note - if there is a need to change the number of crew members, please contact the Race Office by e-mail

2.    Have you paid the fee? Instructions here 

3.    Fill out all other documents for the registration, you can find them on the ONB in Manage2Sail. Have you sent all the documents mentioned in NoR to the

4.    Make sure you have a valid third party liability insurance by covering a minimum of €500 000. There is a offer from our insurance partner ERGO on the ONB and the possibility to fill in the application for it on our website (we appreciate you paying it before the start of the regatta).

5.    Boats displaying their personal advertising shall have the Advertising Certificate required by their National Authority.

6.    Make yourself familiar with GPS tracking instructions on the official notice board. You need a switched on mobile phone with installed app tracking at all times of the competition.

NB! IMPORTANT! All yachts arriving to Haapsalu!

We have 3 OFFICIAL REGATTA HARBOURS Westmeri, Grand Holm Marina and Veskiviigi

When arriving please contact Harbourmaster
Phone: +372 56 52887 and he will assist you further

Sportity for fast information

For the second year in the row we are happy to use Sportity app for the communication during the regatta – just download the app from App Store and Google Play. You do not need to enter any of your personal information, just the regatta password mv2022.
The app will send push notifications if the Race Committee has posted anything!


Race Office is open at 9-19 on Saturday, July 9 - we appreciate if you bring a bucket from your boat to the registration. It's easier for you to bring all the things recieved at the registration to your boat with a bucket and we will not have to use a plastic bag.
The Race Office contacts: and ph +372 553 1347.


Notice of Race is published and entry open! | 21 Feb 22, piret.salmistu

There's still winter outside but the A. Le Cog 65th Moonsund Regatta is less than 140 days away!

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta has sailed across the finish line | 18 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

largest offshore regatta in Estonia. 110 yachts from Latvia, Finland, Russia and Estonia raced from Pärnu to Kärdla, Hiiumaa, stopping in Ruhnu and Kõiguste on their way. Only the ORC I and II teams raced the last leg Kärdla circle, as windlessness and strong headwinds did not let the smaller boats to arrive before sunrise the next day. The winners of the 2021 Moonsund Regatta are: Matilda 4, Sugar, Kvartet, Black Bird and W-Lind. The fastest in Cruiser division were Berta and Chantal and the best wooden Folkboot is Greta.

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta racing in the waters of Saaremaa | 15 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

Today was a very brief day on the water. After a long stretch of offshore racing, there were just two ca 10-mile circles. Start was given at 11 with very light winds of 4 knots. Although the winds picked up slightly, the distances were cut to let the sailors recuperate ahead of the longest stretch from Kõiguste to Kärdla on Hiiumaa island.

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta has reached Kõiguste, Saaremaa. | 14 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

The regatta is now halfway done as the Santa Maria Ruhnu - Kõiguste leg was already the fourth out of the total seven. Seems the Mediterranean weather is here to stay, and the winds do not stop playing tricks on the sails and sailors. On Wednesday morning there was enough wind for just a couple of hours and the ensuing lull stretched the 33-mile race into more than an eight-hour trial even for the bigger boats, whereas the last yachts arrived long after eleven at night. Luck and good strategy secured victory for Adelante, Amserv Toyota ST, Kvartet, Kaija and Bacchus.

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta – Ruhnu circle | 13 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

The A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund regatta has held three races. By Monday late night the fleet reached Ruhnu after a 50-mile offshore race and today saw the 115 boats racing around the Ruhnu island. The start was given later than planned, just after midday. The wind conditions were tricky, although the weather being surprisingly tropical. winners are Adelante, Sugar, Celia, Black Bird and Muinasjutukuningas.

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta 2021 – brisk winds took the fleet from Pärnu to Ruhnu | 12 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

Monday morning welcomed the fleet with warm weather but very light winds, which made the plans to reach Ruhnu by nightfall dubious. However, by afternoon there was enough breeze to take the first yachts to their destination by 8 while the last teams arrived just before midnight. Matilda 4, Sugar, Pinta, Black Bird and W-Lind are the winners of their respective groups.

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta – Super weather on Pärnu bay | 11 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

Already for the 64th time A. Le Coq Moonsund Regatta has set sail. The first races were held yesterday in near perfect conditions. For sure, this was the trickiest and most intense leg of the race – Pro Marine Trade short course. All three headwind races put the teamwork capabilities of all teams to test and Premium, Sugar, Vanishing Point, Lagle III and Jonna came out as the best.

Festival at sea – A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta will set sail this Sunday in Pärnu | 08 Jul 21, piret.salmistu

The legendary A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta will be held between July 10-17. The Moonsund Regatta is the biggest and oldest regatta in Estonia and it is quite impossible to imagine our sailing summer without it. After a long period of restrictions, it is a relief to be out and about again. We are expecting 111 teams from Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Russia, which is an improvement from the 107 yachts last year. However, the hard times have taken their toll in the number of foreign teams participating – instead of the 20 yachts that used to come from Russia, now only three are expected. Also, there will be five yachts from Latvia and just one from Finland.

For a cleaner Baltic Sea | 27 May 21, sigrid.kahar

Moonsund Regatta and Estonian beverage producer A. Le Coq shall join forces for a cleaner Baltic Sea to promote sustainable seafaring. A. Le Coq has been a long-term supporter of the oldest sailing event in Estonia and as the collaboration of the two was consolidated in 2014, it has been known as the A. Le Coq Moonsund Regatta ever since. The extension of the cooperation agreement is a clear indication of A. Le Coq’s firm interest in Estonian culture and sports and now the two partners have decided to contribute towards a cleaner Baltic Sea.

Registration has started | 26 Feb 21, sigrid.kahar

The Notice of Race is published and the registration of A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta is started!

You can read the Notice of Race at the regatta's Official Notice Board here. Click here and sign your team up!

A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta 2021 | 21 Jan 21, sigrid.kahar

The A. Le Coq 64th Moonsund Regatta will be sailed July 10-17 2021 with the course Pärnu-Ruhnu-Kõiguste-Kärdla.

AND THE SPECIAL PRIZES OF RAHVA RAAMAT GO TO.... | 21 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

Rahva Raamat has for years been the sponsor of special prizes of Moonsund Regatta. The recievers of those prizes were not the fastest boats and competitors

Moonsund regatta prizegiving ceremony | 21 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

The award ceremony of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta was held on the Olympic flame arena in Tallinn Pirita. The finest were on the podium and Folkboots got their new Estonian champions.

A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta raced to Pirita | 19 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta is coming to an end and the closing ceremony is going to take place today at Kalev Yacht Club after the final race. The winners will get their medals and Folkboots new Estonian champions.

A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta arrived in Tallinn | 19 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

After a nice day off in Kärdla, the 109 yachts resumed racing and the next destination of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta was Tallinn and Haven Kakumäe marina. Start was given at midday in fair winds.

President Kersti Kaljulaid is racing the Moonsund regatta | 16 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

The third day of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta set off with 108 yachts and 700 sailors from Estonia, Latvia and Finland, with Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid among them.

Second day of the Moonsund regatta and the short circle race | 14 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

This was the only short circle of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta this year. Five groups managed all three races, the results of which were combined into the final total.

Ideal sailing weather in Pärnu for the first race of A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund Regatta | 13 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

The first race of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund regatta took 108 boats on the 42-mile circle on Pärnu Bay. The sea was much calmer than on the previous day and both the management team and sailors enjoyed ideal sailing weather – windy, warm and sunny.

Press release The Moonsund Regatta is here to stay! | 12 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

Stormy beginning of the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund Regatta in Pärnu.

Press release The biggest regatta in Estonia starts on Saturday in Pärnu | 09 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

We are pleased to confirm the A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund Regatta will celebrate its official opening on Saturday the 11th of July at Pärnu Yacht Club. During the week of races more than 100 teams from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland will race from Pärnu to Tallinn, popping in on the Hiiumaa island en route. We are thrilled to announce that also the current President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid will join us for one race on Tuesday.

Arriving in Pärnu | 04 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

Attention all sailors!

Truck will make your life much easier! | 04 Jul 20, sigrid.kahar

Our logistics sponsors DSV and Volvo will make your life much easier!

Pre-order official Helly Hansen regatta shirts | 30 Jun 20, sigrid.kahar

Pre-order for yourself or your team Helly Hansen technical shirts!

Amendment of NOR | 29 May 20, sigrid.kahar

The amendment of the NOR regarding the changed route and early bird fee date can now be found at our website.

Moonsund Regatta will take place! | 27 May 20, sigrid.kahar

Dear sailors! We are glad to announce, that the Moonsund Regatta will take place this year as planned on July 11-18!

Information for the sailors in the State of Emergency situation | 01 May 20, sigrid.kahar

The Emergency Situation will be effective in Estonia until 17th of May and today we have no knowledge on what level there are going to be restrictions on public events held in July.

Notice | 10 Apr 20, sigrid.kahar

Dear friends!

ORC Club certificate with discount price | 04 Mar 20, sigrid.kahar

Fantastic news from Estonian Yachting Union regarding the ORC Club certificates!

Newsletter 19.02.2020 - A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund Regatta | 19 Feb 20, piret.salmistu

Read the Regatta Newsletter here

2020 - Notice of Race is published! Registration has started! | 19 Feb 20, piret.salmistu

A. Le Coq 63rd Moonsund Regatta will take place on July 11-18 and starting today you can find on our website the Notice of Race and the form for registration.

The A. Le Coq 62nd Moonsund regatta raced the last race and awarded the winners | 22 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

The A. Le Coq 62nd Moonsund Regatta crossed the finish line on Saturday. This traditional sailing event is the biggest of its kind in Estonia and it hosted 131 yachts from four countries - Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Russia. The regatta started on the 13th of July in Hiiumaa and sailed through Haapsalu, Kuivastu and Roomassaare to Pärnu where, after two final races, all winners were applauded and awarded.

Moonsund Regatta held inshore races in Pärnu bay | 21 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

The inshore races of the sixth leg of the Moonsund regatta were competitive and fast. All teams participated in upwind-downwind races requiring lots of manoeuvring and putting both the teams and their tactics to test.

A. Le Coq Moonsund Regatta arrived in Pärnu | 20 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

The longest race took the Moonsund Regatta from Roomassaare to Pärnu. The first boats crossed the finish line at sunset, but most yachts came in during the night.

Moonsund regatta racing around Abruka island | 18 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

Roomassaare harbour on Saaremaa island is hosting the A. Le Coq 62. Moonsund regatta and its 750 sailors on 131 boats for two days. The fourth race, circle around Abruka, was proud to have the President of the Republic of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid as team member.

Playing the wind lottery at the A. Le Coq Moonsund regatta | 17 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

The legs of the regatta are very different, and the third race was a day-long event. The distance to be covered was 40 – 50 miles, varying depending on the group. The first yachts reached Roomassaare nine-thirty in the evening only.

A. Le Coq 62nd Moonsund Regatta enjoyed excellent racing weather | 16 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

After staying overnight in Haapsalu, the start was given in Rohuküla port.

Sunny weather and fair winds brought the fleet from Kärdla to Haapsalu | 14 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

It was the first race of the Moonsund regatta – the biggest yachting event in Estonia – and it took the 131 boats to Haapsalu. It’s the 62 year of this highly expected summer event.

The biggest sailing event got on its way today in Kärdla | 14 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

Almost 750 sailors on 130 yachts will set sail on Sunday. The seven days of races will take them to Kärdla, Haapsalu, Kuivastu, Roomassaare and Pärnu. The week full of races will also determine the Estonian Offshore champions in classes CDL £ 8 and Folkboot.

Let´s keep the Baltic Sea clean! | 12 Jul 19, anneli.lepp1

Fast news straight to your phone with WhatsApp | 11 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

The President of the Republic of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid will be visiting regatta on July 17th | 11 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

Moonsund regatta is honoured to host the President of the Republic of Estonia

Pre-regatta news | 11 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

Good and useful to know preparing for the regatta

Regatta Dinner in Roomassaare on July 17th | 01 Jul 19, piret.salmistu

Let's have a better dinner this year!

Very cool rubber boots for the coolest social media post | 26 Jun 19, piret.salmistu

Are you ready for Moonsund?!


Logistics Partners DSV and VOLVO Trucks Estonia will help to make your life easier and transport your stuff from one harbour to another - the same like previous four years.

Early Bird Entry Fee deadline is May 30 | 30 May 19, piret.salmistu

Registering and paying your participation fee until May 30th you'll save 20 Euros per participant and you'll find several good options to spend it during our wonderful regatta  :-)

Notice of Race has been published and Early Bird entry fee deadline is May 30 | 31 Jan 19, piret.salmistu

155 DAYS TO GO - Notice of Race has been published and registration is open at the website. 

The A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta celebrated its winners | 15 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

Today (July 14h) was the last day of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta, dedicated to our centenary Estonia 100, Kalev Yacht Club’s 70th birthday, and Estonian Yachting Union’s 90th anniversary. The biggest and the most celebrated regatta in Estonia sailed through five harbours, from Kalev Yacht Club in Tallinn to Pärnu. The winners of the regatta in 2018 are: Sugar 2 (Pärnu Yacht Club), Adele (Yacht Club Baltsail), Bailarina (RSSC, Latvia), Katarina Jee (Saaremaa Maritime Sports Society), Tessa (Kalev Yacht Club), Mercurius (Saaremaa Maritime Sports Society) and Linda (Kalev Yacht Club).

The one but last race has taken the Moonsund Regatta to Pärnu | 14 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

After a long and exhausting race that finished deep into the night, some relief was most welcome. The eleven-mile Dermoshop/Confido Kihnu - Pärnu race of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta was seen off at midday. The winners of the fast and short race were: Tegu (Vilnius, Lithuania), Adele (JK Baltsail), Lastochka (Orekhova harbour, Russia), Credit24 Reval Cafe (Kalev Yacht Club), Liliann (Saaremaa Maritime Sports Society), Wenna (Kalev Yacht Club) and Linda (Kalev Yacht Club).

The longest race of the Moonsund Regatta from Kärdla to Kihnu | 13 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

The 70 - 90-mile Loodus Invest Kärdla - Kihnu leg of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta finished in the early hours of Friday. The first yacht to come in was Amserv Toyota ST of ORC II and they exceeded even the most optimistic expectations by coming in an hour before midnight, having raced for thirteen hours. After having raced for 17 hours, the last boat to reach the finish line was folkboot Tiina at 3.26 in the morning. The winners of the longest leg of the regatta were: Minni, Amserv Toyota ST, Bailarina, Katarina Jee, Sinyaya Ptica, Mercurius and Linda.

The Moonsund Regatta is in Hiiumaa | 12 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

The fourth leg of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta comprised of the Hiiu county Kärdla circle. This 10-mile race was just what the contestants needed between two lengthy distances in order to relax a bit and recuperate. The winners of the race sailed in perfect weather were: Sugar 2, Amserv Toyota ST, Bailarina, Credit24 Reval Cafe, Tessa, Lote and Linda.

Strong and steady winds took the Moonsund Regatta fleet to Kärdla on Hiiumaa island | 11 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

After two days of shorter circles in Tallinn, the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta sailed to Hiiumaa. Olybet Kakumäe - Kärdla leg was one of the longest races of the regatta: 67 - 72 miles for smaller and bigger yachts respectively.

Today, 9th of July, Kersti Kaljulaid, President of the Republic of Estonia, will participate in the second race of the Moonsund Regatta. | 09 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

This year the Moonsund Regatta is a celebratory one. Besides being dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Estonia, it will also mark the 90 years of the Estonian Yachting Union and 70 years of Kalev Yacht Club.

The Moonsund Regatta filled the Tallinn Bay with boats | 09 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

The first races of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta are done. The ProMarine – Kalev Yacht Club short races on the upwind/downwind course in Tallinn Bay were probably the most vigorous of all the upcoming races. The winners are: Forte, Cherie, Bailarina, Credit24 Reval Cafe, Equipe du Piloilleri 3, Lote and Lind.

In the afternoon 109 yachts went out on the sea from Kalev Yacht Club where two courses were set up, for bigger and smaller boats respectively.  

The Moonsund Regatta sailed from Pirita to Kakumäe | 09 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

Today the races of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta took the participants to Haven Kakumäe. We are very proud that for the very first time the President of the Republic of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, honoured the regatta with her participation.

Today Live Stream from the first leg of the regatta in Tallinn | 08 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

Who will win the first leg of the A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta?

Useful and helpful information for the sailors | 07 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

In the article below you’ll find useful and helpful information:

·         The service of the logistics partner DSV;

·         Where to put the stickers on the hull;

·         The instructions how to use GPS Tracker;

·         We are looking for the doctor, nurse or anyone who could give first aid;

·         Helpful fast news straight to your phone with WhatsApp.

A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta sets sail today | 07 Jul 18, piret.salmistu

The  A. Le Coq 61st Moonsund Regatta proudly begins today, highlighting Kalev Yacht Club’s 70th birthday, Estonian Yachting Union’s 90th anniversary, and the centenary of the Republic of Estonia (Estonia 100) during the week of upcoming races.  


Logistics Partners DSV and VOLVO Trucks Estonia will help to make your life easier and transport your stuff from one harbour to another - the same like previous two years.

early bird registration | 30 May 18, Raiko Lehtsalu

Cruising Group at the regatta | 23 May 18, piret.salmistu

It is already the third year when it is possible to participate in the Moonsund Regatta without having to compete!

Notice of Race has been published and first Early Bird Entry Fee deadline is May 30 | 16 May 18, piret.salmistu

There’s 83 days to go until A. Le Coq 61th Moonsund Regatta

Moonsund Regatta - the best offshore race in the Baltic Sea 2017 | 03 Jan 18, piret.salmistu

The biggest sailing magazine of Sweden - Search Magazine Segling - named Moonsund Regatta as the best offshore regatta in the Baltic Sea in 2017. The article and photo gallery about the regatta was published on December 2017 in their online magazine, written by Olle appelberg.

PRESS RELEASE: The A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta Finished in Riga | 18 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

In one week 139 yachts from five countries with over eight hundred sailors on board raced approximately 260 miles, starting the jubilee regatta in Haapsalu and visiting the harbours of Kuivastu, Roomassaare, Kihnu and Pärnu. On Friday night the Moonsund fleet arrived in the final harbour – Riga from where the first ever Moonsund Regatta started in the opposite direction sixty years ago.


The finish time limits for Pärnu-Riga course | 15 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Pärnu-Riga OlyBet course - July 14, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta - Inshore races of the Danske Bank leg | 14 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Thursday was the day for short races in Pärnu. Inshore circles have always been highly expected and beloved events of the Moonsund regatta, also this year. Although, instead of three, only two races could be held, they were exciting and eventful enough for no one to be left disappointed.

PRESS RELEASE: Kihnu - Pärnu Eesti Meedia leg of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta  | 13 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Today’s racing conditions were near perfect again. Pleasant sunshine and 10 knots of wind, what more can your heart desire? Considering how rough the Roomassaare - Kihnu leg was for the sailors, the organisers planned the course of the next race so that it would take approximately four hours and 20 - 28 nautical miles respectively, depending on the size of yachts.

LIVE STREAM from the DANSKE BANK Pärnu inshore course on July 13th | 12 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

On Thursday, July 13th, there will be sixth course of the A. Le Coq 60. Moonsund regatta - DANSKE BANK inshore course on Pärnu Bay.
You can follow the racing through the Live Stream of regatta's Media Partner Eesti Meedia Postimees.
Live Stream will start at 9.50 am and the first warning signal has been scheduled for 10:00 am.
There are three races scheduled and the live streaming will last until 2 pm.

Click on the banner for LIVE STREAM

PRESS RELEASE: Roomassaare – Kihnu Dermoshop leg of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta – no sleep and rough weather | 12 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Strong headwind had turned to the west and reached gusts of 14-15 m/s. On top of keeping everyone up because of the “music” it was making in the masts and ropes, it was also playing around the entrance of the marina making it quite challenging for the boats to get out to the sea. There was also more than one collision in the struggle the consequences of which need maintenance after the regatta.  

PRESS RELEASE: Roomassaare LoodusInvest leg took the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta racing around Abruka island | 11 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

On Monday morning the fleet of 842 participants of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta saluted the sun in Roomassaare. The weather was brilliant and wind playful with the waves. Everyone was excited about the short circle around Abruka Island.  

PRESS RELEASE: Second  race of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta Kuivastu - Roomassaare | 10 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

The second race of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta – Mount Gay / Heimon Gourmet leg – enjoyed nice winds from Kuivastu to Roomassaare. The organisers were not very enthusiastic about the weather forecast that would have meant a very long day for smaller yachts but, fortunately, the day turned out well enough. It seems the sailors are still favoured by the winds that have not abandoned the regatta for sixty years already.

PRESS RELEASE: Biggest surprise in the first race of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta? The weather. | 09 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

The festivities of the anniversary regatta were kicked off on the 7th of July and the first race on Saturday took more than 140 boats on the leg from Haapsalu to Kuivastu.

PRESS RELEASE:Record-breaking participation for the Moonsund 60th Anniversary Regatta – 850 sailors on 144 yachts from five countries  | 07 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

The opening ceremony of the highly anticipated 60th A. Le Coq Moonsund Regatta will launch a week’s worth of races and events today in Haapsalu. Estonia’s oldest and biggest regatta is celebrating its most respectable anniversary with more than 850 sailors on 144 boats from five countries: Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Estonia. This year the regatta is more international than ever before – as many as 34 yachts out of 144 are from abroad: one from Finland, two from Lithuania, 14 from Latvia and 17 from Russia. There have never been so many foreign guests at this event before. Within one week the “sailing festival” will visit six harbours: Haapsalu, Kuivastu, Roomassaare, Kihnu, Pärnu, and Riga.  

Important information for the skippers from the Race Office | 05 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Buses between Haapsalu and Rohuküla on July 7 - 8 | 03 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

This is the timetable for buses taking the sailors from Haapsalu to Rohuküla and back to Haapsalu on July 7-8.

Muhu Song Festival on July 8th in Hellamaa | 03 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

It's a traditional song festival rotating on the small islands of Estonia already for years. As on Saturday, July 8th, when the Muhu väina regatt will arrive in Muhu island, Kuivastu, the sailors have an option to join this party. Entry is free of charge.

Check Out the Shore program of the Regatta | 01 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

There will be a lot to enjoy in all marinas during the regatta - enjoy!

Grand Holm Marina restaurant in Haapsalu during the regatta | 01 Jul 17, piret.salmistu

Menu and the Opening Hours

Go Bus offers a ride Tallinn-Pärnu-Riga-Pärnu-Tallinn on July 15 | 29 Jun 17, piret.salmistu

In co-operation with Go Bus the organisers are offering the option to drive from Tallinn (with a stop in Pärnu) to Riga to be there for the celebrations in Riga on Saturday, July 15 and back to Estonia the same evening for those who are not planning to sail back home.

Save space in your boat and let Logistics Partner DSV to transport your stuff | 28 Jun 17, piret.salmistu

Estonian Maritime Museum Celebrates the Anniversary of the Moonsund Regatta With Two Exhibitions | 21 Jun 17, piret.salmistu

Moonsund regatta is the oldest and largest regatta in Estonia. This is the most expected yearly competition and the place to get together for sailors. This year the regatta will take place for the 60th time already on July 7-15, starting in Haapsalu with a final destination harbour in Riga.

Anniversary Regatta and Record! | 01 Jun 17, piret.salmistu

129 boats entered to our jubilee regatta by the evening of May 31!

Regatta News of May 31, 2017 | 31 May 17, piret.salmistu

Early Bird Entry Fee Deadline is May 31 - Introducing the program of the port events - Cruising group at the regatta - DSV - get the most out of the services of the logistics partner! - Squadron on the river and the closing ceremony in Riga

CHECK IT OUT - wonderful parties in the regatta harbours! | 30 May 17, piret.salmistu

Invite your friends to get this wonderful regatta feeling! 

Notice of Race Has Been Published! | 16 Mar 17, piret.salmistu

Dear sailors!
There's 3 days to go until the spring will begin, and 113 days to go until the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta! _/)*

Subscribe to Regatta News | 17 Jan 17, piret.salmistu

If you would like to receive Regatta News in your inbox, just fill out the form below or just leave us your e-mail address.

Don't forget to add to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!

Collecting of the regatta memorabilia | 16 Jan 17, piret.salmistu

Dignified age and history of the Moonsund Regatta deserve to be preserved!

Route and schedule of the regatta has been published and pre-registration is open | 16 Jan 17, piret.salmistu

The organizers of the A. Le Coq 60th Moonsund Regatta - Kalev Yacht Club, Pärnu Yacht Club and Saaremaa Marine Sport Society  have a pleasure to introduce the route and schedule of the 2017 jubilee regatta. The regatta will take place on July 7th through 15th.

What really happened to Kvartet RUS297 boat at the final leg of the A. Le Coq 59th Muhu Väina regatta? | 25 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The footage below (click on the photo for video) from the Tallinn Bay which was recorded for the Postimees Live Stream and dates back to July 16 during the A. Le Coq 59th Muhu Väina regatta’s final leg has been living its own life in the internet and social media for a week now. This video of the Аля Кубанеццц' mast-walk was recorded from the organizers’ media boat Storm Hunter doing the Live Stream from the final inshore races of the regatta.

Winners of the A. Le Coq 59th Moonsund Regatta announced | 20 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

During one week 111 yachts from five countries and with almost seven hundred sailors on board raced 250 miles and visited the harbors of Pärnu, Kihnu, Haapsalu, Kärdla and Kalev Yacht Club. The last races and the award ceremony took place on July 16 in Tallinn.

The longest race of the regatta Kärdla-Tallinn | 17 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The fifth leg of the A.  Le Coq 59th Moonsund Regatta was Musto Kärdla – Tallinn race. Weather forecast was contradictory and many yachts decided to leave early and not participate in the fifth race. Twenty yachts bailed and only 88 yachts took part in the longest race. The promised wind did not arrive, however, and the participating sailors could enjoy both the sunset and sunrise during the long night of the race. 

Kärdla-Näkimadala race enjoyed favourable weather and leeward start | 17 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The fourth racing day of the A. Le Coq 59th Moonsund regatta faced its morning in Kärdla harbour. Wednesday morning was sunny and at the captains meeting a rare downwind start was announced.

Spinnaker show took the fleet from Kihnu to Haapsalu | 14 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The morning of the second day of the 59th A.Le Coq Moonsund Regatta in Kihnu was warm and grey. After captain's meeting the yachts embarked on a 61-74-mile and 9-11 hour leg towards Haapsalu. There are two yachts now who have managed to get on the highest position of the podium twice – Merepärl from Pärnu YC and Kadri from Saaremaa Merispordi Selts.

After rough seas on Haapsalu-Kärdla race half of the regatta is accomplished | 14 Jul 16, anneli.lepp1

The windy Pärnu-Kihnu leg kickstarted the A. Le Coq 59. Moonsund Regatta | 12 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The festive opening of the regatta was held on the evening of July 9 in Pärnu where the sailors were greeted by minister Indrek Saar, deputy mayor Rainer Aavik, Pärnu YC commodore Väino Hallikmägi, Egon Elstein from the Yachting Union and Margus Hiet representing Saaremaa Marine Sport Association in Pärnu Yacht Club. The speeches were followed by mellow music and a long-awaited summer party leaving also time for plotting for the long regatta ahead.

The 59th A Le Coq Moonsund Regatta was opened today | 09 Jul 16, anneli.lepp1

The record-breaking fleet of 118 yachts with more than 700 sailors is ready to race the A. Le Coq 59th Moonsund Regatta | 08 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

The oldest and biggest regatta in Estonia – the A. Le Coq 59th Moonsund Regatta – will set sail in Pärnu on July 10. All diehard sailors have planned their summer holidays around this event and now the big moment has arrived. The regatta will sail through Kihnu, Haapsalu  and Kärdla harbours and cross the finish line in Kalev Yacht club in Pirita Tallinn where the regatta joins Tallinn Maritime Days on July 15 and 16. Kalev Yacht Club will also host the prize giving ceremony and after-regatta festivities. In Tallinn fans can go abroad Katharina and cheer short circle races. Pärnu, Kärdla and Tallinn races will be streamed live as courtesy of our media partner Postimees/Eesti Meedia.

Helly Hansen is the Official Gear Partner of the A. Le Coq Moonsund Regatta | 07 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

Very cool and trendy regatta gear is ready and awaiting the sailors at the HH pop-up stores in Pärnu and Tallinn! There will be a limited number of items – hurry up, dear sailors!

Haul-Out of the boats before the regatta | 06 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

You can pre-order haul-out

Official Logistics Partner DSV will help to carry your stuff between the marinas | 02 Jul 16, piret.salmistu

DSV will help to make your life easier and transport your stuff from one harbour to another - the same like last year.

116 Boats Registered by the Early Entry Deadline | 01 Jun 16, piret.salmistu

116 has been a record number of the Moonsund regatta so far, which dates back to 2014. Since there is still more than a month to go to the regatta, the organizers are hoping to see some more boats, and who knows, maybe even a record number of participants!

May 30 - Early Bird Entry Fee Deadline | 16 May 16, piret.salmistu

Two weeks to use this chance yet.

Notice of Race for the A Le Coq 59th Moonsund Regatta has been published | 19 Apr 16, piret.salmistu

You'll find Notice of Race under the Documents

PRESS RELEASE: The award ceremony of the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund regatta took place in Pärnu | 26 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Seven days of the marathon offshore regatta found its festive conclusion in Pärnu on July 25. The 300 nautical miles regatta took 114 yachts and almost 700 sailors from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Finland from Tallinn to the final destination Pärnu Yacht Club through Kärdla, Kuivastu and Roomassaare harbours. Award ceremony was held both to the winners of the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund regatta and the Estonian Folkboot and ORC III champions.

PRESS RELEASE: A. Le Coq 58. Moonsund Regatta – Pärnu circle, like a walk in the park | 25 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

A. Le Coq 58. Moonsund regatta’s last but one leg – the Pärnu circle – was very different from all the previous races. The 14-16 mile race in good weather felt like a walk in the park after all previous exhausting races.  However, the 10-11 m/s wind and waves made starting quite tricky. Most leaders held on to their positions but the final results will be clear, of course, only after tomorrow’s short track races.

PRESS RELEASE: A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta – from Muhu to Saaremaa in upwinds and over the rocks | 23 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

The fourth leg of the regatta was not easier for the fleet than the previous races. Decent western winds of 10-11 m/s meant sailing in the wind’s eye and also many teams had to come in more or less direct contact with “rocky terrain”. The good thing is that all those who preferred it on “the rocks” managed to be on the starting line in the morning after some minor repairs. Today the fleet is headed for Pärnu.

PRESS RELEASE: A sunny race of A.Le Coq Moonsund regatta from Kärdla to Kuivastu felt like a lottery to many | 22 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

The first two races of the regatta were really tough due to big waves, strong winds and long distances but the morning of the fourth day showed a much kinder face. Sun, relaxed atmosphere and more than 20 degrees made the Monday morning very enjoyable indeed. Just that the slight and moody winds made the third leg of the regatta a lottery for most of the sailors.

The change of course for Folkboots | 22 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Dear spectators!
If you are following the racing of the Folkboots, you must know that the fleet of Folkboots decided not to go to Roomassaare and will sail to Kihnu island instead and from there to Pärnu tomorrow.

Photo Galleries and videos from the regatta | 20 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Please visit
Moonsund regatta in YouTube
Moonsund regatta in Picasa

A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund regatta is opened! | 18 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Regatta was opened at the main stage of the Tallinn Maritime Days today at 7 pm.

PRESS RELEASE: The Fleet of 113 yachts is ready to race the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta | 18 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

The 58th Moonsund Regatta is the largest offshore event in the Baltic countries and this time it is extraordinary as the regatta opens in Tallinn, on the last day of the Tallinn Maritime Days. During the coming week 660 sailors on 96 yachts from Estonia, nine yachts from Russia, five from Latvia, two from Finland and one yacht from Lithuania will establish  the best in three classes and seven groups. The regatta will also ascertain the Estonian offshore champions in classes ORC III and Folkboot.

Race Office in Seaplane Harbor | 18 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Find the RACE OFFICE of the Moonsund regatta in Seaplane Harbor where are Helly Hansen flags and shop.

Tallinn Seaplane Harbour's contact | 17 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Tallinn Seaplane Harbour's contact nr (24h): 5022877

VHF channel 74

Polo shirts of the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta | 16 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Helly Hansen / Sportland Special Edition - polo shirt of the regatta now available.

Regatta News to your mailbox! | 14 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Sign up for the News!

GPS Tracker Instructions | 14 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Please read the GPS Tracker Instructions and be visible for your friends and families ashore and for your fellow competitors at the sea!

Official logistics partner DSV will make your life easier | 14 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

DSV in co-operation with Volvo Trucks Estonia will help to make your life easier and transport your stuff from one harbour to another.

Invite your friends to see the start of the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta on the steamship Katharina! | 11 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

You can join the spectators' boat - steamship Katharina - on July 19 to see the start of the Moonsund regatta.

Invite your friends to see the start of the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta on the steamship Katharina! | 10 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Buy your ticket online today to be sure you won't miss this opportunity!

Squadron just before the Moonsund regatta on July 17 | 09 Jul 15, piret.salmistu

Invitation to take part!

Be prepared for the port events - look at the program! | 21 Jun 15, piret.salmistu

There are lot of entertainment going on in every pit-stop of the regatta! Enjoy!

New socks for the regatta! | 20 Jun 15, piret.salmistu

Whose last year's regatta socks are worn-out or who does not have them yet, no worries - they are also available this year. However, since the start-up package for each sailors includes new item, the socks are for sales this year.

DSV - Official Logistics Partner of the regatta | 20 Jun 15, piret.salmistu

We are happy to announce that we have a new great regatta partner - logistics company DSV, who will help to transport your belongings from one marina to another.

Estonian Maritime Rescue Organization will secure Moonsund regatta | 15 Jun 15, piret.salmistu

A co-operation contract between NGO Estonian Maritime Rescue Organization and one of the organizing clubs, Kalev Yacht Club was signed to secure Moonsund Regatta last week. The Estonian Maritime Rescue Organization was represented by Madis Rehepapp and on behalf of the Kalev Yacht Club the contract was signed by the Commodore Kalev Vapper.

Early Bird entry fee deadline until May 30 | 27 May 15, piret.salmistu

Make sure to enter and pay your entry fee by May 30 to save 20 euros per person!

The Notice of Race for the A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund Regatta has been published | 28 Apr 15, piret.salmistu

80 days to go!

We are happy to share the news of Hiiu Local Government: topping-out ceremony in Kärdla harbour | 24 Apr 15, piret.salmistu

A brand new harbour building will be ready for the Moonsund Regatta in July 2015!

A preview of the Volvo Estonia ORC European Championship for sailors, owners, race managers and media in Pärnu YC on Friday evening, 8 May | 24 Apr 15, piret.salmistu

In preparation for the upcoming Volvo Estonia ORC European Championship, ORC in co-operation with the Estonian Yachting Union is organizing an ORC Measurement seminar in Tallinn over 9 - 10 May 2015. Read more at the ORC website

A. Le Coq 58. Moonsund Regatta and Tallinn Maritime Days will join their powers | 24 Apr 15, piret.salmistu

The article was published in the magazine PAAT in the first place.

Head of Hiiu Local Government was speaking about the impact of Kärdla Harbour on Hiiumaa at the Estonian Sailin Congress | 24 Apr 15, piret.salmistu

For the first time in history Estonian Sailing Congress was held on April 17 in Tallinn.

The Winners of the A. Le Coq 57. Moonsund Regatta Were Established in Roomassaare | 23 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

A. Le Coq 57. Moonsund Regatta celebrated its finish in Roomassaare after a week full of events. This year’s regatta welcomed the largest fleet ever – 116 yachts with the total of 730 crewmembers on board: 90 yachts from Estonia, 8 from Russia and Latvia, 6 from Lithuania and 4 Finland.

VIDEO: Regatta in Roomassaare July 18-19 | 22 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Arrival in Roomassaare, the first emotions on the finishing line and regatta tent, interviews with the teams of Forte and Tuuli, with the youngest captain Mihkel Šesterikov on s/y Maris, final prizegiving with nice speeches and the interview with PRO Andres Talts. So many great emotions! Enjoy!

VIDEO - Regatta in Pärnu July 15-17 | 18 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Bali Power Bikes in Roomassaare Marina | 18 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Also in Roomassaare marina you'll have a chance to rent Bali powerbikes.

With A Bus To Selver! | 18 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Shopping tours from Roomassaare marina to Selver - the buses will take you there and bring you back! Take a chance and use this shopping arrangement!

WATCH THE LIVE STREAM ON DELFI TV | 15 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

On Wednesday, July 16 from the Pärnu circle starting at 11.45!

Channel 2 was visiting Kärdla marina | 15 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Channal 2 was visiting Kärdla marina to interview Agnes Lill, the regatta director; Ülo Vooglaid, the winner of the 1st Moonsund regatta and Juss Ojala and Kaarel Kruusmägi - the winners of the regatta for the masters on Optimists.

VIDEO: Day 2 - Kärdla circle and prize giving - July 13 | 14 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

TV3 News was visiting the regatta in Kärdla | 14 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

TV 3 news was visiting the regatta in Kärdla marina

VIDEO: Day 1 in Kärdla marina | 13 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Day 1 in Kärdla marina and the official opening ceremony - video edited by A4 Media OÜ.

A. Le Coq 57th Moonsund Regatta is Open - Day 1 in Kärdla marina | 13 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

The first day of the regatta in Kärdla harbour. Arrivals, preparations, joyful get-togethers, registrations, measurements, regatta for the masters, festful moments and the opening ceremony - lots of great emotions! The party has started!

The Route of Kärdla Circle - 13.07 | 12 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

You'll find the route at the website under the section ROUTE

With a bus to Selver! | 12 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Shopping tours from Kärdla and Roomassaare marinas to Selver - the buses will take you there and bring you back! Take a chance and use this shopping arrangement!

Regatta in Pärnu - July 15-17 | 10 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

Look what is going to happen in Pärnu during the regatta

Regattas for the 'masters' | 10 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

In Kärdla and Pärnu marinas on Optimists and RS Fevas

Guide for the harbours | 10 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

All detailed marina plans you'll find on the website in the section RACE DOCUMENTS

The Entertainment Program | 01 Jul 14, piret.salmistu

The entertainment program in the marinas is more or less ready, but will be amended daily!
Have a look and invite your friends to partake in the marina events!

17 Days Until the Regatta | 25 Jun 14, piret.salmistu

110 boats registered

PRESS RELEASE: A. Le Coq Becomes the Presenting Sponsor of Moonsund Regatta | 23 Apr 14, piret.salmistu

A. Le Coq and organisers of the Moonsund Regatta - ESS Kalev Yacht Club , Pärnu Yacht Club, Saaremaa Marine Sports Society and the Estonian Yachting Union - signed a sponsorship deal that will make the biggest beverage producer the presenting sponsor of the Moonsund Regatta.

The 2014 Moonsund Regatta will visit the restored Kärdla harbour in Hiiumaa | 07 Jan 14, piret.salmistu

The 57th Moonsund Regatta will take place from July 12 until July 19, 2014.

VIDEO - Prizegiving ceremony of all classes and summing up the event | 25 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Julky 20th, 2013 in Roomassaare Harbour

VIDEO - The final stage of 56th Moonsund regatta - Roomassaare circle and prizegiving ceremony | 24 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

July 20th, 2013 in Roomassaare

ORC website: 56th Moonsund regatta | 24 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

July 23th, 2013

VIDEO - finish of Pärnu-Roomassaare course and arriving to Roomassaare harbour; prizegiving of the longest course and afterparty in Kuressaare Kuursaal. | 23 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

July 19th in Roomassaare - Enjoy!

Moonsund Regatta (Muhu Väin) in the news of russian Delfi in Latvia! | 23 Jul 13, piret.salmistu


Channel 2 "SUVEREPORTER": A Festive Awarding Ceremony of the 56th Moonsund Regatta in Saaremaa | 22 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Suvereporter 21.07.2013 -

Moonsund is the longest established offshore sailing event in Estonia. This year’s regatta hosted a 113-boat fleet with crews and more than 700 sailors hailing from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. The regatta set sail on July 14 in Haapsalu and proceed through the ports of Heltermaa, Kuivastu and Pärnu towards the final destination Roomassaare. The new offshore sailing champions were determined in six different races of the week-long regatta that included both shorter circles and one through-the-night offshore race. Each class raced its own courses ranging from 161 to 257 miles.

Estonian National TV: In Saaremaa ended Moonsund Regatta - 20.07.2013 | 22 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The 56. Moonsund Regatta established new offshore sailing champions in three classes: ORC, ESTLYS and Folkboot.

The 56. Moonsund Regatta established new offshore sailing champions in three classes: ORC, ESTLYS and Folkboot. | 22 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Moonsund is the longest established offshore sailing event in Estonia. This year’s regatta hosted a 113-boat fleet with crews and more than 700 sailors hailing from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia. The regatta set sail on July 14 in Haapsalu and proceed through the ports of Heltermaa, Kuivastu and Pärnu towards the final destination Roomassaare. The new offshore sailing champions were determined in six different races of the week-long regatta that included both shorter circles and one through-the-night offshore race. Each class raced its own courses ranging from 161 to 257 miles.

LNT - Moonsund regatta in the biggest Latvian TV channel | 22 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

LNT - the largest channel in Latvia introduced Muhu Väina regatta in their Sport News on Saturday, July 20th showing their Latvia Sail Racing Team Bellatrix EST499 with Andrejs Buls' team winning the 4th place in overall in Muhu Väina regatta 2013. 

Estonian National TV - Sport News - The course from Pärnu to Roomassaare on Muhu Väina regatta | 22 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The course lasting almost 14 hours on the route of 91 miles won in group ORC1 s/y Olympic Online from Dago YC with Tiit Vihul in Helm.

CHANNEL 2 - REPORTER: 56th Moonsund Regatta was sailing from Pärnu to Roomassaare | 20 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Video - Reporter July 19th

Description of ROOMASSAARE CIRCLE in website page ROUTE | 20 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The Race Committee meeting for skippers will take place on Saturday July 20 at 8:15. | 19 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

VIDEO: Moonsund Regatta in Pärnu, Kalev Vapper 60th Birthday, Radio Franziska | 19 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Watch the video about the July 18th in Pärnu

Schedule of SELVER' buses in Roomassaare | 19 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

From Roomassaare marina the bus of Selver will take sailors to the Selver on Friday and Satrurday also. 

See the video of Pärnu course and the evening in Pärnu YC on July 17th | 18 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Videosummary of July 17th in Pärnu

The overall results of 4 courses available now | 18 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The leaders by groups are Amserv, Katarina II, Jazz, Prizrak, Tessa, La Folie and Tuuli.

Because of the protests hearings PRIZEGIVING of Pärnu circle is at 8 p.m. on July 17th. | 17 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Auhinnad paneb välja Tallink

Pärnu circle - description of the course, racing area and the course | 16 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

See on the website page ROUTE

The Race Committee meeting for skippers will take place on Wednesday July 17 at 9:30. a.m. | 16 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Prizegiving of Pärnu-Kuivastu course at 9 pm today in Pärnu YC | 16 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Prizes from Dermoshop and Joogikuller.

The restaurant of Pärnu Yachtclub informs: | 16 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The food in the night and the breakfast

Results and prizegiving of Heltermaa-Kuivastu course | 15 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Prizegiving is at 7 pm in Kuivastu harbour

DELFI photos and videos: Heltermaa-Kuivastu course | 15 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Watch great gallery and videos of Heltermaa-Kuivastu course by Delfi.

Watch the video about the two first days of the regatta! | 14 Jul 13, piret.salmistu


Prizegiving of Haapsalu-Heltermaa course | 14 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Today, on July 14th at 8 pm

Sailing Instructions and Attachements, Participants Lists, Haapsalu-Heltermaa course | 14 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Galleries: the opening of the 56th Moonsund Regatta in Haapsalu | 13 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Information for the yachts staying in Rohuküla - bus transfer on July 14th! | 13 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

The fleet of 111 yachts ready to race 56th Moonsund Regatta | 12 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Moonsund Regatta, which is the third leg of the EYU Estonian Offshore Sailing Championship, takes place from July 14 until July 20. This year’s fleet is divided into three classes that include ORC, ESTLYS and Folkboot.

Trophies of the 56th Moonsund Regatta | 11 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Information for the yachts staying in Rohuküla | 11 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Registration, measurement and inspection and transport

Haul-out in Haapsalu | 10 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

There is available the crane with load capacity of 10 tons

Look at the harbours' maps in website | 10 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Haapsalu, Heltermaa, Kuivastu, Pärnu and Roomassaare - look where to moor and  etc

Saare Selver gives 5% discount | 09 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Provision to the boats with discount

Port events - the program is more or less ready | 06 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Look what's going to happen during the regatta

Bus transfer between Rohuküla and Haapsalu on July 13th and 14th | 06 Jul 13, piret.salmistu

Bus transfer will help the crews of yachts staying in Rohuküla harbour from there to Haapsalu and back.

Provision to the boats with help of SELVER | 24 Jun 13, piret.salmistu

SELVER makes life easier for the sailors in Haapsalu, Heltermaa and Roomassaare

Party at Kuressaare Kuursaal on July 19th! | 07 Jun 13, piret.salmistu

Prizegiving ceremony, galadinner and the official afterparty!

Deadline for Early Bird registration is on May 31st | 17 May 13, piret.salmistu

2 months to the 56th Moonsund Regatta

Less Than Three Months to the 56th Moonsund Regatta – Registration Now Open | 23 Apr 13, piret.salmistu

The 56th Moonsund Regatta, the longest-running offshore competition in Estonia, which is also the Estonian Offshore Championships for ORC, ESTLYS and Folkboot as well as the third stage of the Estonian Offshore Cup of the Estonian Yachting Union, will take place from 13-20 July. The Regatta will take place on the route Haapsalu-Heltermaa-Kuivastu-Pärnu-Roomassaare.

Overview about the 55th Moonsund regatta on TV3 | 28 Oct 12, piret.salmistu

First time on the air on September 22, 2012

Media coverage and photos of the 55th Moonsund Regatta | 22 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

Now available at the website

ORC website published overview about the Estonian Offshore Sailing Championship for ORC classes | 20 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

55th Moonsund Regatta soon in Nautical Channel! | 19 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

Estonian Champions in Offshore Sailing Awarded at the Finish of the 55th Moonsund Regatta | 16 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

The Moonsund Regatta that witnessed the largest number of participants, which was also the third regatta of EYU’s Estonian Offshore Sailing Cup, established the Estonian champions in ORC, ESTLYS and Nordic Folkboat classes. During one week from July 8th to 14th 115 yachts from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia raced from Pärnu, through Kuivastu, Heltermaa and Haapsalu harbours to Tallinn. The yachts, from the smallest to the largest raced 181 to 291 nautical miles.  The winners of the regatta were awarded at the main stage of the Tallinn Maritime Days on Saturday.

PRIZEGIVINGS | 13 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

Oon Saturday, July 14th

PRESS RELEASE: Over 100 Yachts with 700 People on Board to Start at the 55th Moonsund Regatta on Sunday | 07 Jul 12, piret.salmistu

The Moonsund Regatta is the longest running offshore competition in Estonia that this year will be organised for the 55th time. The Moonsund Regatta, which is also the third regatta of the Estonian Offshore Sailing Cup, will establish the Estonian champions in ORC, ESTLYS and Nordic Folkboat classes. 106 yachts from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia with nearly 700 yachtsmen on board – this will be a regatta with one of the largest number of participants ever held in Estonia. There will be a record number of yachts of the Nordic Folkboat class (12), which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. The Regatta will start in Pärnu on Sunday, 8 July, will make stops in Kuivastu, Heltermaa and Haapsalu harbours and will in the end arrive at Tallinn where the final celebration of the Regratta will be held on Saturday, 14 July on the main stage of the Tallinn Maritime Days next to the Admiralty Basin of the Old City Harbour.

55. Moonsund Regatta NOR 2012 | 16 Mar 12, Raiko Lehtsalu

Moonsund Regatta NOR_2012

The overview about the ORC Estonian Open Championship on the website of ORC | 26 Jul 11, piret.salmistu

Estonian Offshore Cup - 54th Moonsund Regatta

Estonian Champions in Offshore Sailing at the 54th Moonsund Regatta | 19 Jul 11, piret.salmistu

The third stage of the Estonian Offshore Cup – the 54th Moonsund Regatta ended on the 17th of July in Tallinn. The Regatta with the highest number of participants since Estonia regained independence, saw nearly 700 yachtsmen on 109 yachts from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia pass the route Pärnu-Roomassaare-Virtsu-Heltermaa-Tallinn.  This year the Regatta ended in the European Capital of Culture Tallinn, giving additional sparkle to the finale of the Tallinn Maritime Days. The last or the seventh stage of the Regatta, the Tallinn round was raced on Sunday.

This year the Moonsund Regatta (Muhu Väina Regatta) will be held for the 54th time | 14 Mar 11, piret.salmistu

The 54th Moonsund Regatta, which will also be the Estonian Open Offshore Sailing Championship and the third stage in the EYU Offshore Sailing Estonian Cup, will be held on 11-17 July 2011.

PRESS RELEASE: Estonian Open Offshore Championship and X-41 Class Championship at the Moonsund (Muhu Väina) Regatta 2010 | 14 Mar 11, piret.salmistu

Saturday, 17 July, the third stage of the Offshore Sailing Estonian Cup came to its finish. The  53rd Muhu Väina Regatta with nearly 600 participants on 89 yachts, which is also the record since regaining of independence, from five countries covered a distance  of 200 nautical miles on the route Pärnu-Roomassaare-Virtsu-Dirhami in six days. The Muhu Väina Regatta was also a competition to find out Estonian champions in offshore racing and in class X-41. The keywords of the Regatta were an excellently warm summer weather and lack of wind.