A. Le Coq 58th Moonsund regatta is opened! |
Regatta was opened at the main stage of the Tallinn Maritime Days today at 7 pm.

Photo: Kristi Talts
On behalf of the organizing clubs the Commodores of the Kalev Yacht Club and Pärnu Yacht Club Kalev Vapper and Jüri Sõber welcomed the sailors. Greetings from Saaremaa brought to the sailors Meber of the Board of Saaremaa Merispordi Selts, Jaanis Prii. The prsident of the Estonian Yachting Union Egon Elstein wished a good regatta and was thankful to the supporters and sponsors without whom the regatta could not be the same. At the same time he was wishing lots of strength to the organizers to keep their spirit high and take care during this regatta week to finalize long period of prepaprations.
The organizers at the same time would like to thank all sailors and wishing them nice sailing, strong competition and fair winds!
See you at sea!